
958年 智空僧正 創建
The History of Henjoin Temple
---founded by Chiku Sojo in AD 958

According to the surviving records, this temple, Shinyusan Jinguji Henjoin, was founded by Chiku Sojo(the highest rank of Buddhist priest) of the Shingon School’s Omuro Sect at the behest of Emperor Kazan in the first year of the Kanna Era (AD 985), and was raised to an Imperial prayer place of the Emperor Gosanjo in the first year of Enkyu (AD 1069).

ご本尊は十一面観世音菩薩、総高5尺1寸、一木彫の霊仏である。往古は31ヶ寺の末寺を有する 当地方に於ける唯一の真言宗御室派直末の中本寺中本寺であった。天正年間には毛利家より寺領2千石を与えられ、伽藍完備し、寺運も興隆したが、その後時勢の推移により寺門も次第に衰微するに 至る。後に徳川江戸時代には領主池田家より寺領50石を与えられ、末寺も江戸末期には23ヶ寺となった。昭和初年には18ヶ寺を有したが、寺社法が変更されたことに伴い、現在は末寺を持たない御室派別格本山に列する。
Honzon (the principal image) is the Eleven-faced Kannon, a statue 1.55 meters tall, carved from one tree. In old times, the temple was the only chuhonji(intermediate-head temple)of the Shingon Omuro Sect in the district, having 31 branch temples. In the era of Tensho, feudal lord Mori donated an estate of 2000 goku to the temple; and the temple prospered with many monastery buildings erected in its large precinct. However, as times changed, the temple’s fortunes gradually declined. In the Tokugawa period, federal Lord Ikeda donated an estate of 50 goku to the temple, and its branch temples counted 23. By the first year of the Showa Era (1926) it still had 18 branch temples, but along with the changes of the Jisha-ho(laws of temples and shrines), it has become a quasi-head temple of the Shingon Omuro Sect, without branch temples.

Since its foundation, the temple suffered several fires and floods, and many of its treasured articles and documents were lost. While it is a pity that its exact historical records do not survive, its large precinct and the placement of the temple buildings help us picture the prestigious Henjoin temple of olden times.

聖観音立像 (県指定重要美術品)
Standing image of Sho Kannon (aaraya avalokitesvara in Sanskrit)
--- Prefectural Important Art Object

Enshrined in the main hall. The statue, 90 cm tall or 101cm tall including the lotus pedestal, with shoulder width of 24 cm, is carved out of one piece of hinoki wood. Lines are sparsely engraved on the hair, and a crown is carved on the head. While the line of the eyes and the well-rounded face remind us of a child, the lower solidity creates an air of dignity. A portion of the robe, the left hand, the right wrist, and the toes were added later. The statue as a whole conveys the carving style of the middle Fujiwara period.

三重塔 (国指定重要文化財)
Three-storied Pagoda
----- National Important Cultural Property

三重塔は開山智空上人が寛和元年(西紀985年)に創立(erected in 985)後、応永23年(西紀1416年)に智海僧正が再建したものである。
The three-storied pagoda was erected in the fist year of Kanna (AD 985) by Chiku Sojo, the founder of the Temple, and rebuilt later by Chikai Sojo in the year 23 of Ouei (AD1416).

It is built mainly in Wayo architectural style. Each of its 4 sides measures 3 kens (about 5.4 meters) ; the roofs are covered with Kawara tiles; the Sorin (metal pinnacle on the top of a pagoda) are made of bronze; and all the pillars are round columns. Eaves are deep and their edges are curved upward. Total height of the pagoda is 22.25 meters from the circumference ground.

The most prominent characteristic of this pagoda is the method of its assembly. The 3 stories were first assembled around the central column, and then the roofs were applied. This is the oldest pagoda in Japan erected in this fashion.

Dainichi Nyorai (mahaavairocana in Sanskrit)of Kongo-kai(Diamond Realm) is enshrined on the shumidan (an altar) of its inner sanctum as a principal image. As a whole, the pagoda conveys well the architectural style unique to the Muromachi period. Its portions perfectly balanced and its eaves exquisitely curved, the pagoda radiates grace and magnificence in all directions.

On April 24, 1925, this pagoda was designated as a National Treasure; and on August 29, 1950, according to the revised regulations, it was designated as a National Important Cultural Property.